Document Upload and Linking


To enhance the Knowby creation process by allowing editors to upload and link documents (e.g., PDFs) within knowbys, ensuring users can access additional, relevant materials directly through the knowby. The documents will be stored in a central repository within the Knowby organisation, with capabilities for version management.


  • Knowby Editor Interface

  • Document Storage Repository

  • User Access and Permissions

  • Version Control System

Functional Requirements

  1. Document Upload Interface

    • Provide a user-friendly interface within the Knowby Editor for uploading documents.

    • Support multiple file formats, primarily PDF, but also DOCX, PPTX, and others as needed.

    • Implement file size restrictions and type checks to ensure compatibility and security.

  2. Central Repository for Document Storage

    • Develop a secure, central repository for storing uploaded documents.

    • Ensure documents are stored with encryption at rest to protect sensitive information.

  3. Document Linking within Knowby

    • Allow editors to easily link uploaded documents within a knowby.

    • Enable placement of links at relevant points within the knowby steps for easy access by viewers.

    • Provide options for link customisation (e.g., link text, icon representation).

  4. Version Control and Replacement

    • Implement a version control system for each document, allowing for updates and replacements without breaking existing links.

    • Ensure that when a document is updated or replaced, the latest version is automatically accessible via the existing links in the knowby.

    • Allow editors to manage document versions, including viewing change history and reverting to previous versions if necessary.

  5. Access Control and Permissions

    • Define access controls to manage who can upload, view, or edit documents within the central repository.

    • Ensure that document access within knowbys adheres to the overall permissions and access controls of the Knowby platform.

  6. User Interface and Experience

    • Design the document upload and linking process to be intuitive and seamlessly integrated into the Knowby Editor experience.

    • Provide clear feedback and instructions to users for uploading documents, linking them within knowbys, and managing document versions.

  7. Documentation and Support

    • Offer comprehensive documentation and support materials to assist users in utilising the new feature effectively.

    • Include FAQs, tutorials, and best practices for managing and linking documents within knowbys.

Non-functional Requirements

  1. Security

    • Ensure all document uploads, storage, and access mechanisms adhere to industry-standard security protocols and privacy regulations.

  2. Performance

    • Optimize the system for quick upload times and immediate access to linked documents, ensuring a smooth user experience even with large files.

  3. Scalability

    • Design the feature to be scalable, accommodating a growing number of documents and users over time without degradation in performance.

  4. Usability

    • Prioritise a simple and intuitive interface that requires minimal training for users to effectively utilise the document upload and linking capabilities.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Users can upload documents in supported formats directly within the Knowby Editor.

  • Uploaded documents can be easily linked within a knowby.

  • The central repository effectively manages document storage, with encryption for security.

  • Version control allows for the seamless replacement of documents, ensuring the latest version is always available through the existing knowby links.

  • Access controls and permissions are properly implemented and enforced.

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In Progress


💡 Feature Request

Jan 31, 2025

12 months ago

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